I think the new IPhone is great looking. I wish I could afford one. I wish my daughter still worked for the US Telecom Assn! Even though there is a somewhat vague on details environment around it
http://news.com.com/A+heavy+load+for+the+iPhone+to+bear/2100-1041_3-6149195.htmlThis stuff is interesting. Best in show! Not cheap.
http://reviews.cnet.com/4520-12760_7-6676861-1.htmlOlder news is the Sony ebook reader.
http://www.learningcenter.sony.us/assets/itpd/reader/http://www.dottocomu.com/b/archives/002571.htmlThe International Digital Publishing Forum, formerly known as the Open eBook Forum, has created a technical standard for the sale and distribution of electronic books. Dubbed the Open eBook Publication Structure Container Format, the standard was created by a team of interested parties, including Adobe, the DAISY Consortium, eBook Technologies, Harlequin, HarperCollins, Amazon’s Mobipocket, netLibrary, OverDrive, Random House, Simon and Schuster, and many others. A significant step forward for the e-book industry, the standard is not without its critics; nevertheless, what the e-book industry still requires is more viable business models and significant buy-in from publishers, some of whom were involved in this long process.